Sharing the Passion BEIJING 2022 Special Site

Sharing the Passion BEIJING 2022 Special Site

RAMSA Beats Freezing Winds
with Clearly Audible Sound

RAMSA returned to the Olympic Winter Games with upgraded capabilities to enhance audio performance in tough outdoor conditions. Its professional line-array speakers are designed to withstand freezing temperatures and project sound through heavy winds often experienced at outdoor events. The speakers delivered crisp, clearly audible sound over wide staging areas at various outdoor venues. Waveguide horn technology exhibits excellent directional control and helps deliver speech clearly to spectators and competitors in large indoor or outdoor stadiums.

Big Air Shougang Snowboard Big Air and Freestyle Skiing Big Air

WS-LA500AWP is optimized for outdoor applications.
WS-AR200 deployed in a conference area.

An impressive symbol of urban regeneration, Big Air Shougang is the first permanent venue for Big Air in the world with a 61-meter-high ramp, 8,000-seat grandstand, and some 25,000 m2 of reclaimed factory space newly transformed into year-round venues for winter sports. Sound plays a vital role in maximizing entertainment at youth-oriented Olympic Winter Games events such as Big Air, making speaker selection and placement an important consideration. RAMSA line-array speakers and subwoofers were up to the challenge, ramping up excitement at the venue with deep, clear, and dynamic sound.

Equipment Introduced
RAMSA Line-Array Speakers WS-LA500AWP x 18 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA Subwoofer for Line-Array Speakers WS-LA550AWP x 3 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA 2-Way Bass Reflex Speaker WS-AR200

National Alpine Skiing Centre Alpine Skiing

Waveguide horn technology improves directional control for clear audibility.
WS-AR200 features 30 cm SCWG woofer and horn tweeter.

The Bernhard Russi-designed course at National Alpine Skiing Centre, located about 90 km from the center of Beijing in China’s Yanqing district, was used to host alpine skiing events and has been hailed as one of the best racing mountains in the world. RAMSA line-array speakers shrugged off the freezing cold and wind to deliver the event’s audio program clearly over a wide staging area.

Equipment Introduced
RAMSA Line-Array Speakers WS-LA500AWP x 24 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA Subwoofer for Line-Array Speakers WS-LA550AWP x 8 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA 2-Way Bass Reflex Speaker WS-AR200

Genting Snow Park Snowboarding, Freestyle Skiing

WS-AR200 has an extended mid-high range and rich low range.

High in the mountains about 200 km northeast of Beijing, Genting Snow Park played host to freestyle snowboarding and skiing events at the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 with six courses for halfpipe, slopestyle, cross, parallel giant slalom, aerials, and moguls. The course was flanked by a snow-sculpted recreation of China’s Great Wall. RAMSA line-array speakers and subwoofers delivered music, commentary, and announcements throughout the staging areas despite the westerly winds whipping over the mountainside.

Equipment Introduced
RAMSA Line-Array Speakers WS-LA500AWP x 60 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA Subwoofer for Line-Array Speakers WS-LA550AWP x 16 Units (Approx.)
RAMSA 2-Way Bass Reflex Speaker WS-AR200

Equipment Introduced

  • WS-LA500AWP


    RAMSA Line-Array Speakers

  • WS-LA550AWP


    RAMSA Subwoofer for
    Line-Array Speakers

  • WS-AR200


    2-Way Bass-Reflex Speaker

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