Installation Details
An Emergency Countermeasures Office Was Installed at the New Headquarters Building to Reinforce the Countermeasures Against Large Scale Disasters
Shizuoka Prefecture has been designated as an Area under Intensified Measures against Earthquake Disasters for a potential Tokai Earthquake, and Shizuoka Bank has taken activities to step up contingency plans under the idea that countermeasures against disasters are a high-priority issue for their management.
Before the construction, the old headquarters building was a quakeproof structure made with the latest technologies of the time, but after the building has aged 50 years since it was built, the construction of the new headquarters building was planned, to aim for "reinforcement of support for large-scale disasters" and "further strengthening of customer support."
The Tohoku Earthquake that struck in March 2011, renewed the awareness of the importance of disaster countermeasures, and by conducting hearings at financial institutions that were damaged by the earthquake, the idea to secure enhanced structures was decided upon.
As a result, an "HD Communications System" that would allow face-to-face communication from remote areas to confirm the situation of damaged areas and the safety of employees, as well as to provide instructions from the headquarters to the branch offices, was chosen to be most effective, and the delivery of the systems was decided on. The Emergency Countermeasures Office was also installed to support a wide range of situations in addition to natural disasters such as earthquakes, including system malfunctions, accidents, and market risks.
Smooth Communication Has Been Achieved by the Construction of an Enhanced Image Display Device
At the Emergency Countermeasures Office, information from the following sources is displayed onto a large screen, to make it easy to share and view the situation and information at any time.
- An HD Visual Communications System that connects a total of 177 bases
- Images from approximately 5,400 security cameras installed in various locations
- TV news and Earthquake Early Warnings (EEW)
- Operational status of networks and ATMs
So, a multiscreen system constructed with Panasonic's TH-55LFV5 was suggested to make the following operation possible.
- Multiscreen: Simultaneously display a wide variety of information
- Large screen: Easy-to-see expanded display of important information
- High Resolution: High readability with sharp and clear displays of textual information
- Wide Viewing Angle: Highly visible images that can be clearly viewed from seats on the edges
Taking into consideration the amount of information required to display in case of an emergency, three 3x3 multiscreen systems were installed.
In addition, the precise and efficient device maintenance and support systems were also highly praised, and Panasonic's products were also utilized in five boardrooms and for the studio facilities.

Example of Use in the Emergency Countermeasures Office
Supporting a speedy and accurate assessment of the situation required in the case of an emergency.
At Shizuoka Bank, the Emergency Countermeasures Office is divided into the "information acquisition area" and the "decision-making area."
Information Acquisition Area
At the "information acquisition area," the situations of various locations can be centrally acquired. The content is checked and reviewed, and the necessary information and countermeasure plans are sent to the "decision-making area."
Panasonic's TH-65LFB70 multi-touch screen LCD display is installed in this area, and discussions can be conducted while writing on the displayed images. The PT-DZ680 projector is also installed here, making it possible to display enlarged images (including images that have been written on) in real-time.
A system environment that allows smooth transition from acquiring information to preparing countermeasure plans is constructed here.

Decision-Making Area
Final decisions are made in the "decision-making area" based on a wide range of information and countermeasure plans.
Three 3x3 multiscreen systems are installed here, making it possible to view a wide range of information at one glance.
By zoning the content displayed at each multiscreen system, it is easy to instantly find necessary information.
Also, images displayed during emergency situations are pre-set by type, including disaster countermeasures and market risks, so necessary information can be displayed depending on the situation using easy touch panel controls.
Normally, the Emergency Countermeasures Office is divided with sliding walls, and utilized as a conference room. By creating as many opportunities to handle the system as possible and getting used to the controls, it can lead to accurate operation during emergency situations.

Display example of the three 3x3 multiscreen systems (consisting of 27 TH-55LFV5 units)
(Installed in the Emergency Countermeasures Office: Example of use during an emergency situation)
By deciding what information to display on each multiscreen system, it is easier to confirm the information required during an emergency.
Images from approximately 5,400 security cameras that are installed in various locations can be displayed arbitrarily on the nine devices on the left. Basic images are displayed horizontally: From the left, west Shizuoka Prefecture, central, eastern, Vertically: From the top, ATM corner/Lobby inside the store/Store parking lot. By dividing the images, the system is constructed in a way that lets you instantly grasp the situation in case of an emergency.
The central region displays images from the HD Visual Communications System/ By dividing the display into 20 frames, a total of 180 frames can be displayed. Face-to-face meetings can be conducted with all the bases of Shizuoka Bank. Also, when transmitting information from a base, enlarged images from the speaker can be displayed on nine multiscreens to achieve smooth meetings.
Various types of information are displayed on the nine devices on the left. In addition to TV broadcasts, Earthquake Early Warnings (EEW), the Internet, and computer screens, the operational status of Shizuoka Bank's in-house networks and ATMs are also displayed. Also, the images from the multi-touch screen display installed in the "information acquisition area (refer to the bottom of the page on the left)" can also be displayed here.
Shizuoka Bank
Shizuoka Bank aims to live in harmony with the regional community, and grow to become the world's best regional banking group.
Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, the bank has branches in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka, and parts of Asia, North America, and Europe. Known nationwide as the "Leader of Regional Banks," Shizuoka Bank is one of the three largest regional banks in Japan. During the construction of their new headquarters building, they have decided implement a number of progressive approaches, such as getting rid of individual desks and implementing a free-address office system where employees can choose their seats according to their tasks, and strongly driving towards a paperless office.

Equipment installed
- Video Wall Display
TH-55LFV5 x 27 - Touch Screen Display
TH-65LFB70 x 4 - Standard Display
TH-42LF60 x 1 - Standard Display
TH-42LF6 x 1