Disposal & Recycling
Green Initiatives
in Our Projector Business
Adding Value to a Circular Economy

Sharing the Value of the Products We Make

The Panasonic Group is undertaking various initiatives toward a “Circular Economy,” which aims to reduce resource consumption and promote sustainable economic growth. The concept of circular manufacturing is deeply rooted in our projector business activities, contributing to the group’s overall efforts by striving to reduce and recycle resources throughout the entire product lifecycle.
Global Initiatives for Used Product Recycling
Amid a global drive for efficient resource use towards a circular economy, most countries have enacted recycling laws and systems for consumer and professional electronics. Examples include Japan's Home Appliance Recycling Law, the European Union's WEEE Directive, and recycling regulations in the United States and China. Panasonic aligns with these efforts by establishing tailored recycling systems in accordance with local infrastructure and regulations, often collaborating with third parties. Complying with the Basel Convention and local laws, we focus on efficient recycling, natural resource preservation, and pollution prevention.
Maximizing the Use of Recyclable Materials
We strive to design products that are easily recyclable, with the aim of minimizing our environmental impact. Our product designs incorporate as many reusable materials as possible, such as steel and plastic, with some of our products featuring up to 80% recyclable materials. We remain focused on developing materials with a lower environmental footprint and continuously improving our sustainable manufacturing practices.
Less Packaging Waste

Our initiative to reduce product and carton sizes is primarily aimed at streamlining our customers’ business logistics by reducing the resources required for transport, storage, and installation. However, the efforts to reduce carton size (as highlighted on the Distribution, Sales, and Installation page) have also had the effect of reducing the physical amount of cardboard and packing material that requires recycling or disposal after purchase, reducing waste and easing our impact on the environment even further.
Extending the Projector's Lifespan

Greater Longevity with Optional Accessories

Laser projectors support maintenance-free projection for about 20,000 hours, equivalent to a decade of daily use for eight hours over five workdays. In fact, these projectors often outlast the spatial designs of entertainment attractions, which are updated periodically. Panasonic's solution lies in a diverse range of optional lenses, mounts, and function boards for selected models. These accessories allow users to adapt compatible projectors to suit different applications without necessitating a full unit replacement. When an upgrade is due, these accessories can often transition to the next model, curbing resource waste and minimizing costs. Panasonic's modular design prolongs projector life and promotes sustainability and cost-effectiveness in business, education, and entertainment settings.
Note: At around 20,000 hours, the light output will have decreased by approximately 50 %. Varies depending on the projector specification, settings, and operating conditions. Refer to individual product specifications for details. Light-source lifetime may be reduced depending on environmental conditions. Replacement of parts other than the light source may be required in a shorter period. Estimated maintenance time varies depending on the environment.
- Environmental Contribution
- Customer Workflow and
Social Contribution to the World